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Curriculum Vitae


Michael M. Meijler, Ph.D.


Research Interests: Chemical Biology, Bioorganic Synthesis,

Quorum Sensing, Bacterial-Eukaryotic Communication,

Molecular Basis of Pathogenesis


Department of Chemistry and NIBN
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer Sheva, 84105
tel: +972 74 7795495


Positions / Education:

From 6/2015:  Full Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

From 4/2011:  Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

9/2006 to 3/2011:  Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Dept. of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

12/2005 to 9/2006:  Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA.

9/2004 to 11/2005:  Senior Research Associate, Dept. of Chemistry (with Prof. K. D. Janda), The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA.

7/2002 to 8/2004:  Research Associate, Dept. of Chemistry (with Prof. K. D. Janda), The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA. Subjects: Immunization Against Drugs of Abuse; Synthesis of Quorum Sensing Molecules; Blue Fluorescent Antibodies; Antibody Catalysis.

1997 to 7/2002: Ph. D. studies, Department of Organic Chemistry, with Prof. A. Shanzer, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. Thesis: “Biomimetic Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Siderophore Analogs”.

1990 to 1996: B. Sc. in Chemistry, M. Sc. in Organic Chemistry, with Prof. G. J. Koomen, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Thesis: “Synthesis of Brominated Indole Alkaloids”.

Winter 1995/1996: Research Project (4 months), with Prof. D. Sigman, Department of Biological Chemistry, UCLA, California, USA. Title: “Chemical Mechanism of DNA scission by (1,10-phenantroline)-copper Complexes”.

Summer 1994:  International Summer Program (10 weeks), with Prof. Y. Burstein, Department of Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science. Title: “Isolation and Purification of Alcohol Dehydrogenases from Thermophilic Bacteria”.



Awards and Grants:

Karyn Kupcinet Summer Science School Fellowship, Weizmann Institute of Science, 1994. The Feinberg Graduate School distinguished fellowship for academic and scientific achievements, Weizmann Institute of Science, 1998-2000. Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2010, 2013. Toronto Prize for Excellence in Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2011. NCK Prize, Outstanding Medicinal Chemist, 2023. HFSP Young Investigator Grant, 2007-2010. GIF Young Scientist Grant, 2007-2008. BSF Startup Grant, 2007-2009. ISF Converging Technologies Grant, 2007-2010. ERC Starting Grant, 2009-2014. ISF Personal Grant, 2009-2013. BSF Grant, 2013-2017. ISF Personal Grant, 2015-2019. MOST Grant, 2016-2019. Germany-Israel Project Grant (DIP), 2019-2024. ISF Personal Grant, 2020-2024. BSF Grant, 2023-2027. HFSP Grant, 2024-2027.

Portrait by Geert van Kesteren, as part of the series 'Dutchies in Israel', from the Embassy of The Netherlands in Israel

Prof. Michael M. Meijler

Department of Chemistry and NIBN
Ben Gurion University
Be'er-Sheva, Israel

Office: Building 43 room 415​


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